
Universal Credit: General information
Accepting a Claimant Commitment is a ‘basic condition’ of claiming Universal Credit. This means that you normally must accept a Claimant Commitment in order to receive payments. If you don’t sign your Claimant Commitment you might not be paid any Universal Credit. You should seek specialist advice from a welfare rights advisor or solicitor before refusing to sign your Claimant Commitment.
Universal Credit: Domestic abuse
DWP guidance states that if someone is dealing with a domestic emergency, all requirements should be switched off. The DWP may review your situation, but it should consider extending the period of time that your requirements are switched off for if your temporary situation continues.
Universal Credit: Care leavers
If you have complex needs, in addition to any easements the law allows in your circumstances, your Work Coach has a discretion to suspend your conditionality requirements if it is unreasonable to expect you to complete these for a certain period of time. If this is appropriate in your case, the easement begins on the date you tell the DWP your needs, and continues as long as you provide evidence of your needs.
Universal Credit: Childcare
DWP guidance says that if your expected hours of work search are between 10 and 16 hours per week, you should not be expected to travel more than 60 minutes to work. If your expected hours of work search are up to 10 hours per week, you should not be expected to travel more than 30 minutes to work.
Universal Credit: Homelessness
Work search requirements must be suspended if you have a ‘domestic emergency’ and it would not be reasonable for you to meet work related requirements. This can include when you become homeless. Your work coach can suspend your work related requirements if it is unreasonable for you to be expected to meet these due to complex personal issues.
Universal Credit: Mental health
If you have complex needs, in addition to any allowances or “easements” the law makes in your circumstances, your Work Coach has a discretion to suspend your conditionality requirements if it is unreasonable to expect you to complete these for a certain period of time. If this is appropriate in your case, the easement begins on the date you tell the DWP your needs, and continues as long as you provide evidence of your needs.
Universal Credit: Refugees
The DWP may want to see evidence of your needs from someone acting in an official capacity, such as a health worker, or someone from a support service. Your needs should be discussed at an interview. It is important to tell your work coach about any complex needs you have.